Advance Steel Tubes Limited (ASTL) was incorported in the year 1974. It's more than two decades of services, ASTL has emerged as India's leading manufacturer and exporter of Electric Resistence Welded Steel tubes and Pipes. ASTL productshave won a reputation pf impeccable quality and total reliability. this has been possible with the aid of skilled and experienced professionals. ASTL has diversified into manufacture and supply of Highway Guardrails/Metal Crash Barrier. ASTL has equiped itself with all required facilities i.e. SLITTING-CUTTINH-PUNCHING-ROLLFORMING-GALVANISING ETC.
Highway Guardrail
Available statistics on road accidents indicate that user's behavior is an imortent factor in a majority of accidents, Manny road accidents involve run off the road vehicles colliding with hazardous obstacles, rolling down high embankments. Veering off the carriage way on sharp curves of crossing over the median ~d colliding with an oncomeing vehicle. Guardrails are effective mean to reduce the risk of and to mitigate the severity of such accidents by redirecting a vehicle away, from the energy of the errant vehicle. As such Guardrails constitute an important safety future.
Type of Highway Guardrails

Technical Specification
"W" beam Technical Data

"THRIE" beam Technical Data

Fixing Arrangement